It only takes one...
Big heart...
It only takes one...
Kind soul...
To make a difference...
And brighten...
Someone else's day...
It can come in the form of a smile...
A gentle hand on your back...
It may show up when you least expect it...
From someone you don't know...
Someone who understands your fears....
And shares your pain...
It may be handed out
As a strength coin...
Because it is clear...
You need it...
Or as a hug without a need for words...
To catch you as you spin...
After having the wind knocked out of you...
It will surprise you...
And bring you to tears...
While filling your heart...
With hope...
And a sense of joy...
It can come from your family...
Your friends...
From a complete stranger in the street...
Or from another from across the world...
From a group with common misfortunes...
Or another who just wants to help...
It can materialize...
As one who finds himself...
Facing a similar faith...
It can be done in person...
Or by phone...
By email...
Or through social and traditional media...
It may be monetery...
It may be wordy...
But it is always done...
With purpose...
I was fortunate...
To come across...
The path...
Of one big heart...
The path...
Of one kind soul...
And so...
Everyone Loves Little Angels...
Was born...
Out of my loss...
To fight my grief...
To give a sense...
To my baby being taken from me...
To ensure...
Ella did not die in vain...
To keep her alive...
In the hearts of those...
She touches with her story...
To pay it forward...
And bring support...
Maybe some peace...
Onto others...
As it had been done...
For Ella and for me...
It only takes...
One simple gesture...
From you...
From me...
To help sick kids...
And their families...
ELLA's Foundation will one day be...
To support bereaved parents...
ELLA's Wings...
Spread large and wide...
To manage symptoms...
Improve quality of life...
And maybe one day...
Find a cure...
ELLA's Hope...
Is that of those facing rare diseases...
But specifically...
It only takes one...
To restore hope to many...
Ella's Hope...
To eradicate...
One rare disease...
The rare disease...
That took you away from me...
ELLA - Everyone Loves Little Angels
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