Someone who recently came into my life...
Told me today...
You cannot have gratitude without grief...
And you cannot experience grief without gratitude...
I could not agree more...
Just like yesterday...
I am grateful...
I am grateful for many...
Many people...
Many moments...
Many memories...
I am grateful for one...
One angel...
One love...
One life...
Today, and everyday, I do...
Count my blessings...
And express...
My gratitude...
But not until today...
Did I make it this public...
And so it goes...
Today I am grateful for the sun...
The warmth...
The peace I felt...
After a good cry...
By my daughter's grave...
Today I am grateful...
For my mom...
And my dad...
For my sister...
My brother...
Their spouses...
And chidlren...
Today I am grateful...
To have held a sweet baby boy...
Heard him laugh...
Seen him play...
Today I am grateful...
For friends who know...
Just how to lend an ear...
And bring back my waivering faith...
To show me that I am strong...
Today I am grateful...
Fo strangers who show support...
By joining in a cause...
And paying it forward...
Today, I am grateful for my amazing friend Yvonne...
And her husband Bart Bridge...
And for Wanda and Ivan Ravnic...
For Deborah Power-Demille...
And Francesca Benedetti...
And Deby Gulleckson...
And for Arlene and Dwaine Bridge...
All of whom kindly donated in memory of Ella...
Today, I am grateful...
For Nikki, on the other side of the world...
Who's encouraging words always...
Lift me up...
Today, I am grateful for Helene and the crew at Yogacara...
For Simone and the team at Solarice Spa...
Both of whom are offering their services...
To raise funds for BC Children's Hospital...
I am grateful for my friend Jennifer Terzi in Ottawa...
and for my friend Marie-Paule Dupont in Gatineau...
Who not only support me from afar...
But generously donate in memory of my girl...
Today I am grateful...
For so many wonderful people...
Who give me the strength...
To see another day...
ELLA - Everyone Loves Little Angels
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